Movie Marketing
Opening the Picture and Giving It Legs Tiiu Lukk

274 Pages
6x9 Paper
Silman-James Press

Movie Marketing demystifies complex marketing issues, profiling marketing strategies for films of widely varying budgets, genres, and intended audiences through the words of the marketers and distributors (and occasionally filmmakers) responsible for developing and implementing strategies.

This indispensable and fascinating tour of the many and varied ways to successfully market films is a must-read for all the independent filmmakers and everyone hoping to work in film distribution and marketing.

Movie Marketing also includes chapters on merchandising and promotions and creating trailers.

Among the films profiled are Four Weddings and a Funeral, Pulp Fiction, The Brothers McMullen, Goldeneye, Hoop Dreams, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Howard’s End, Crumb, Carnosaur, Malice, and Brother’s Keeper.

About Tiiu Lukk

Tiiu Lukk has worked as a journalist, a documentary filmmaker, and a public relations and marketing executive.  As a foreign correspondent in southern Africa, Ms. Lukk reported news for ABC television and radio, the Washington Star, the Hearst Newspapers, and African Report magazine.  Her work has won awards in many media, including as Emmy Award, many film festival prizes, and the Western Publishing Association Award for Best Specialty Magazine.

“This book not only reveals a great deal of inside information on distributor strategies and their marketing expenditures, but does so in a highly entertaining fashion.  It is destined to be required reading in Hollywood executive suites as well as a primer in film and business schools for many years to come.”
—Mark Litwak, author of Dealmaking in the Film and Television Industry

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