The Five C's of Cinematography
Motion Picture Filming Techniques Joseph Mascelli


252 Pages
B&W Illustrations
Silman-James Press
Available electronic format(s):

The Five C’s is one of the most widely respected books on filmmaking ever published.  With the aid of hundreds of photographers and diagrams, it clearly and concisely presents the essential concepts and techniques of motion picture camerawork and the allied areas of filmmaking that they interact with and impact.

Branching out from five central subject areas, the five C’s—Camera Angles, Continuity, Cutting, Close-ups, Composition—Mascelli offers filmmakers a detailed and practical course in visual thinking.
Included are discussions of:
•     Cinematic time and space
•     Compositional rules
•     Point-of-view
•     Camera height and angle
•     Master scenes
•     Types of editing
•     Screen direction
… and much more.

About Joseph Mascelli

Joseph V. Mascelli, an acclaimed cinematographer, filmed theatrical features, documentaries, training films, television commercials and television series.  He wrote extensively about camera work for photographic magazines and trade journals, was an editor of the American Cinematographer Manual, and lectured on cinematography at Loyola University of Los Angeles.

“Mr. Mascelli provides the attentive reader with the equivalent of a complete course in filmmaking.”
The New York Times

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