A sense of Direction represents a life's work at the art and craft of directing. William Ball, founder and long-time general director of the acclaimed American Conservatory Theater, engages his audience in a wide-ranging discussion of the director's process—from first reading through opening night. Speaking as a director's director, Ball offers a candid, personal account of his method of working—including the choice of a play's essential elements, preproduction homework, casting, and rehearsal techniques. Throughout, his discoveries and insights guide the director in building the world of the play and bringing it to life—enlightening for the neophyte as well as the experienced professional.
Theater goers will find this an informative, insightful, and often astonishingly clear look at the people and process behind that wonderful and magical phenomenon we call theater.
"This book is filled with insight on the nature of theater and sound advice on the more practical aspects of directing. It should be on every young director's reading list."
"Ball's observations, rooted in experience, wisdom, and common sense, leap from the page to an experienced director's heart, stomach, and mind."
—Theatre Journal